Energy consult France
Your provider for wind and solar energy in France

Your local partner for operational management in France

Energy consult France SASU is a 100 percent subsidiary of the German Life-Cycle-Services Provider energy consult GmbH.

Energy consult has a track record on the French market long before the subsidiary energy consult France was finally founded in 2024. Currently, the group holds contracts for the technical and commercial management of a total of 24 megawatts in France.


Energy consult has been active at the international level a decade and today serves customers across Europe in all areas of operation of renewable energy plants.

Wind turbines
Total output wind energy


Sören Bromberg

We are your trusted partner for aligning operations with country-specific needs.

“Thanks to our close collaboration with the energy consult Group, we can provide our French customers with the comprehensive service portfolio of energy consult. This enables us to deliver all services from a single source, ensuring the convenience of one point of contact for all customer needs."

Sören Bromberg, Managing director energy consult France